Farmacia Los Almendros is more than a pharmacy. We offer you a wide variety of health services to take care of you and your family, and we are always in a continuous search to do more for you. Thank you for entrusting your health to us.

Discount tab
We offer you a -5% cumulative discount on all your parapharmacy purchases.

You can make us your orders by WhatsApp to send it home or pick it up in store.

We want to improve your quality of life, whether you are a caregiver or a patient. Visit our Orthopedics section!

We have been putting hypoallergenic earrings on babies in and around the area for many years.

We have a free nutritional advice service for you to achieve your ideal weight.

We carry out a Food Intolerance Test without a blood sample. Up to 600 foods we analyze.

We measure your cholesterol and glucose levels quickly and easily with just one drop of blood.

Hair Analysis
Our Trichologist, an expert in hair health, will take care of both your hair and your scalp.

It consists of a weekly pill box that we prepare for you at the pharmacy following your doctor's instructions.

Master Formula
We process your Master Formula so you can take personalized treatments.

Natural health
We offer 100% natural alternatives such as phytotherapy products, vegans and Bach Flowers .

We take care of the mother and the baby in all their stages. Many babies from before are our customers now.

Measuring your blood pressure values periodically allows us to detect possible hypertension problems.

The best and exclusive cosmetic brands are waiting for you, both facial and body.

We have a wide catalog of specific products in body and oral hygiene.

intimate health
The female intimate area has a different pH than the rest of the body and requires special care.

On many occasions, our body does not receive the nutrients it needs for its perfect functioning.

We also take care of your pet! We can get anything you may need.